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The image in Figure 8-17 is not very exciting, because two details prevent the image from appearing like a cube. The camera is upright on one of the cube faces, so all you see is a square. Also, there s no lighting enabled, so every face is illuminated exactly the same way. There s no shading to help you see the difference between one face and another. To work around these problems, you need to rotate the model to a better position (and maybe do some scaling, so it doesn t hide the axis), and apply lights to the model rendering.

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You should always have a specification. Without one, you don t know exactly what you are building, and many an application goes hopelessly over budget or over deadline or both because insufficient time was spent specifying what the application actually needed to do. That is not to say that a specification is set in stone. No project ever emerges with quite the design that the architect had in mind when he started work. The specification should be changed as its inadequacies and misconceptions become clear. This is not a book on design, so the full-blown specification that I worked from in building the example application would be overkill. Moreover, it has some eccentric requirements, because they were bent by the need to illustrate architectural detail where the normal situation is reversed. Given these constraints, I have limited my specification to a couple of use case scenarios explaining how a typical user might interact with the site. For information on how a real specification should be put together, I recommend reading the four-part article Painless Functional Specifications by the always excellent Joel Spolsky in Joel on Software (Apress, 2007) and on his website at

Figure 8-17. The first view of a 3D model (cube) Remember the BasicEffect class you used in the previous section With BasicEffect, you can apply transformations to the object (through the World property), set the Projection and the View matrices (which are a must for every effect), and turn on a default light source with little effort, as you saw when we talked about effects earlier in this chapter. You can use the same projection and camera view matrices you used for cls3Daxis. A rotation of 45 degrees in both the x and y axes will turn the cube so you can see three of its faces. Remember that a model is composed of many meshes. To use the effect to render the 3D object, you must loop through all the meshes to apply the effect to all of them.

Jane is the administrator of the company intranet site. To add a new user, John Strange, to the application, she goes to the login page and enters the readily guessable default login details (admin/setec). Upon logging in, she selects the Administration menu option and is presented with a list of the existing users. She selects the Add New User menu option. On the resulting Create User page, which you can see in Figure 2-2, she sets the username (jstrange) and clicks Preview User. She checks that the name has been entered correctly and clicks the Save User button. Looking at the list, she can see that John s username has been added and so she chooses Logout from the main menu.

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